OUT NOW: The Official World Metrology Day Poster for 2025
Celebrating “Measurements for all times, for all people”
The BIPM and OIML are proud to unveil the official World Metrology Day 2025 poster, marking the 150th anniversary of the Metre Convention. This year’s theme, “Measurements for all times, for all people,” highlights the enduring and universal importance of accurate measurements in science, industry and daily life.
A Resource to Promote Metrology
We encourage National Metrology Institutes, academic institutions, industry partners and policymakers to download and use the poster in their World Metrology Day activities. The poster can be displayed at events, shared on social media and incorporated into educational materials to:
Highlight the critical role of measurement science in addressing global challenges.
Raise awareness of the Metre Convention’s historical and ongoing impact.
Inspire discussions on metrology’s role in achieving sustainability and innovation.
Design Elements of the Poster
This unique 150th Anniversary Edition of the poster prominently features the BIPM’s historical seal in the background, a visual reminder of the Metre Convention’s origins and the enduring legacy of the BIPM.
In the foreground, the organization’s continued relevance and commitment to its mission are illustrated on a second medal which shows:
The Seven Orbs/Planets represent the universality of the International System of Units (SI), symbolizing the interconnectedness of scientific measurements across the globe. The lines themselves represent the interdependence of the base units.
The Letters within the planets represent the seven base units of the SI: metre (length), second (time), kilogram (mass), mole (amount of substance), candela (luminous intensity), kelvin (temperature), and ampere (electric current).
The Stars signify illumination, light and the promise of future scientific discoveries.
The inner bezel containing 60 lines, symbolizes seconds and timing.
The outer bezel containing 360° lines, symbolizes location.
The roman numerals in the medal represent the year 1875 (MDCCCLXXV), the year the Metre Convention was signed, marking the establishment of the BIPM as the international organization dedicated to standardizing measurements worldwide.
The radiating lines that fan out from the centre of the poster represent the ever-expanding horizons of metrology in space, science and innovation.
Join Us in Celebrating 150 Years of Metrology
World Metrology Day 2025 is a unique opportunity to honour metrology’s vital role in society and its future potential. By using and promoting this poster, you contribute to a global effort to highlight the importance of measurements for all people, everywhere.
OUT NOW: The Official World Metrology Day Poster for 20 …
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屈继峰与法比安·范博玛签署中荷两国国家计量院合作谅解备忘录 11月11日和12日,中国计量院代表团访问荷兰国家计量院(VSL)。VSL院长法比安·范博玛(Fabienne van Booma)和电学领域首席计量学家赫特·里特维尔德(Gert Rietveld)热情接待代表团一行。双方全面介绍两院最新发展,就电学、长度、电离辐射、温度等计量领域开展深入技术交流并参观相关实验室。